Our office is closed for the public holiday on 27th January. Visit the Practitioner Hub.

Committed to producing the purest,
freshest and safest fish oil in the world.

Nordic Naturals have led the fish oil industry since 1995, redefining industry standards for purity, freshness, taste, and potency.
Their commitment and dedication to making the highest-quality products on the planet has meant safer, more effective,
and better-tasting fish oil, for over 23 years. All of their products are, and always have been, non-GMO, sustainably sourced
and manufactured, and third-party tested for purity and potency. They never use artificial flavours, colours,
or preservatives, and all formulations are research supported and responsibly dosed.

True North: The Omega-3 Journey From Boat To Bottle

Go behind-the-scenes of the Nordic Naturals journey – experience arctic Norway’s legendary cod fishery, and step inside their boat-to-bottle manufacturing.

The Nordic Naturals Advantage

Exceptional Processes

Every step in the supply chain is managed by Nordic Naturals, from sourcing and manufacturing, to
bottling and shipping.

Exceptional Freshness

Oxygen-free, proprietary processing for exceptional
freshness from boat to bottle.

Great Taste

Leading freshness and 100% natural flavouring ensure no fishy smell, taste, or aftertaste.

Backed by Research

A research leader in demonstrated product efficacy.

Sustainable Practices

100% of fish is wild caught, sourced in line with the Norwegian fisheries management system, and processed with minimal environmental impact.

Responsible Dosing

An effective, expert-recommended daily dose of at least 500 mg EPA+DHA.

The Nordic Promise

Every Nordic Naturals product is tested to verify potency, purity, and freshness by certified laboratories. Visit nordic.com/nordic-promise/ to get an instant Certificate of Analysis for any product.

Why Omega-3?

Essential Fatty Acids are nutritional cornerstones of human health. Two major families of fats are comprised under this designation, omegas 3 and 6. They are deemed ‘essential’ because we need them for proper health—much like certain vitamins and minerals but cannot produce them on our own. We must therefore consume these fats through diet or supplementation.

Most people associate omega-3s with cardiovascular health, but their benefits go far beyond the heart.

The two main omega-3s are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)

These promote the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response, a normal function that is behind the relief of many chronic conditions but that is too often inhibited by poor nutrition.

Extensive research has documented the health benefits of EPA and DHA which include not only a healthy heart, but brain and cognitive function, joint mobility, eye health, pregnancy and lactation, healthy skin and hair, and a normally functioning immune response.

Global Omega-3 Deficiency

Despite the great health benefits of omegas, individuals around the world suffer from omega-3 deficiency.

Omega-3 deficiency stems in large part from the growing unavailability of foods rich these nutrients principally fish and because of the increasing popularity of the Western diet worldwide.

While most diets prior to the 20th century contained a relative balance of omega-3 and omega-6 rich foods, the typical Western diet today contains far more of the pro-inflammatory omega-6s. Through science and education, Nordic Naturals is committed to delivering both increased awareness and quality omega nutrition in order to address this global health concern.

Look for EPA and DHA levels.

Make sure you read the supplement
facts to know how much EPA+DHA you are getting.

A 1000 mg fish oil soft gel refers only
to the size of the soft gel, not the levels of EPA+DHA

International Experts recommend daily intake of:

To avoid deficiency

500 mg EPA+DHA

For proactive support



What are omega-3 fatty acids and why do we need them?

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are polyunsaturated fats that our bodies need but cannot produce. Therefore, they must be consumed through food or supplements. There are two families of EFAs: omega-3 and omega-6, which need to be consumed in a balanced ratio. The body must receive a balanced supply of omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs to ensure proper eicosanoids production. Eicosanoids are hormone-like compounds that affect virtually every system in the body—they regulate pain, help maintain proper blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and promote fluid nerve transmission.

The problem is that, in our modern industrialised food system, omega-3s have become largely absent from the food chain while omega-6s have become overabundant. Even the healthiest diets contain too many omega-6s and not enough omega-3s. Decades of scientific evidence indicates that this EFA imbalance can contribute to a variety of chronic health issues. The most beneficial omega-3s that we’re missing are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Purified fish oil is the best direct source of EPA and DHA.

  • Fatigue
  • Poor memory
  • Immune weakness
  • Dry skin, eczema, or hair loss
  • Heart problems
  • Reproductive problems (men and women)
  • Mood swings or depression
  • Poor circulation
Fish is the primary food source of the omega-3s EPA and DHA, but Australians simply don’t eat enough fish on a regular basis. Even those who eat fish several times a week aren’t getting enough EPA and DHA because much of the fish consumed today is farm raised and lacks significant amounts of EPA and DHA. Also, many people are increasingly avoiding fish due to growing concerns about environmental toxins in fish (such as mercury, dioxins, PCBs, etc.). In addition, there are several factors that can lead to reduced absorption of EFAs—age, poor diet, alcohol consumption, low levels of certain vitamins and minerals, some prescription drugs, compromised immune status, and a diet high in saturated and/or trans-fatty acids (meat, dairy, fast food, fried food, baked goods, and processed foods). Moreover, people with health challenges or those who are currently deficient often require a minimum of 2–4 grams a day of EPA and DHA, which is difficult to obtain from fish alone.
Over the past 100 years, changes in the food supply in Western nations have altered the type of dietary fatty acids we consume, leading to a dramatic increase in the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. This increased omega-6:omega-3 ratio is known to influence a poor nutritional state that contributes to higher incidences of many chronic diseases. To address this omega-6:omega-3 imbalance, current recommendations suggest increasing the consumption of pre-formed omega-3s EPA and DHA in fish and/or fish oils, increasing intake of ALA (an omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid found in vegetables, flax, fruits) and decreasing intake of LA (the omega-6 linoleic acid in meat, dairy, eggs, vegetable oils).

Omega-6 fatty acids (Linoleic Acid or LA) are found mainly in corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower oils and, although essential, these fatty acids are over consumed and out of balance with omega-3 fatty acids in the modern Western food supply. However, there is one type of omega-6 (Gamma Linolenic Acid, or GLA) that does require supplementation. GLA is found in few sources such as borage and evening primrose oils. Used in some Nordic Naturals formulas, GLA promotes the production of beneficial prostaglandins and supports healthy skin, brain function, mood, joint, and cardiovascular health. It is most effective when taken along with the EPA and DHA in fish oil.

It is especially important for pregnant and breastfeeding women to consume DHA (one of the omega-3s in fish oil) because the developing baby is dependent on mother. DHA is an essential fatty acid—we must get it from diet or supplements because our bodies don’t make it—and consuming enough DHA is critical for normal and healthy development of infant brain, eyes, and nervous system. Inadequate consumption of DHA during pregnancy has been linked to shortened gestational periods and premature delivery, and sub-optimal mood health for women after pregnancy. Experts recommend that women consume 300–600 mg of DHA daily while pregnant and breastfeeding. Nordic Naturals ProDHA, Prenatal DHA, and ProOmega all satisfy this dosage, each providing 450 mg DHA per serving.

It will vary depending on the concentration of the fish oil, your current nutritional state, dosage, and current health. We often hear that patients “feel better” and experience “clearer thinking” and “enhanced well being” within 2 weeks. For optimal results, we recommend taking fish oil daily for at least two months to evaluate the benefits, and also reduce intake of saturated, hydrogenated, and trans-fats.

All non-concentrated fish oils contain a myriad of other omega fatty acids besides the omega-3s EPA and DHA. The average fish oil contains 23 omega fatty acids. Any quality fish oil manufacturer should be able to provide a chromatogram listing the levels of all the omega fatty acids found in their fish oil. Often, when fish oil is concentrated, some of these other fatty acids will be removed in order to increase the amounts of EPA and/or DHA. You often hear the most about the omega-3s EPA and DHA because those are the fatty acids that have been shown, by decades of scientific research, to yield important health benefits for every cell, organ, and system in the body, and are considered the most functional omega-3s. And they are also drastically deficient in the food supply of Western nations, making it very difficult for us to get adequate amounts from our diet.

  • Third-party test results for purity and freshness. A third-party certificate of analysis indicates the levels of purity from environmental toxins, and the oxidation level (or freshness) of the oil.
  • Manufacturing standards. Is the fish oil manufactured according to international quality standards?
  • Smell and taste. Does the fish oil smell or taste fishy? If so, the fish oil has most likely been exposed to oxygen and is becoming rancid.
  • Rancid (oxidised) oils should be avoided, as they yield less-than-healthy effects. Avoid fish oils that have really strong flavourings added to them because they are most likely trying to hide the fishy flavour of rancid oil.
  • Triglyceride molecular form. Research has shown that triglyceride form omega-3s are up to 70% better absorbed than synthetic ethyl ester omegas.
  • Supportive scientific research to prove the efficacy of the fish oil brand.
  • Sustainable fishing practices. Any environmentally responsible fish oil manufacturer should offer transparency into their fishing practices.

What is the difference between fish oil and other sources of omega-3?

Omega-3 fatty acids fall into two major categories: plant-derived (flaxseed) and marine-derived (fish). This is often confusing for physicians and patients, and many think the two are interchangeable. Flaxseed oil contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which can be partially converted to EPA and DHA, but that conversion is somewhat slow and can be inhibited by lifestyle and health factors. Research shows that approximately 5% of ALA converts to EPA, and just 1% converts to DHA, under optimal conditions. While flaxseed and flaxseed oil may contain many health-promoting benefits, they do not provide the necessary amounts of EPA and DHA.

Recently, some companies have started selling krill oil supplements as a source of omega-3. Krill are shrimp-like crustaceans that are a crucial link of the marine food chain, and concerns about the ecological impact of increased fishing of krill has resulted in krill fishing being banned on the West Coast of the US and strictly limited in Norway and Antarctica. In contrast, fish oil supplements are predominantly produced from sardines and anchovies-species that are currently in abundant supply, fished well below mandated limits, and are considered ideal for sustainability, given their short reproductive cycles.

Fish oil is not only a more sustainable source for omega-3 supplements, however-it also generally provides a higher concentration of omega-3, is much more stable, and is backed by much more science than krill oil. To date, there are only 3 published human studies conducted with krill oil, whereas fish oil-when manufactured according to international quality standards-has a proven record of efficacy, purity, safety, and sustainability that is backed by several thousand published studies.

Many people are justifiably concerned about mercury levels and other environmental toxins in fish, especially larger species. Nordic Naturals fish oils provide you with all the benefits of the omega-3s EPA and DHA, without the risk of toxins found in fish. The fish oil used in every batch of Nordic Naturals products is tested by independent laboratories and consistently delivers exceptional results, surpassing the strictest international standards for fish oil purity, freshness and potency. Certificates of Analysis are available here; simply enter your lot number to view the certificate for your specific bottle.
Cod liver oil is extracted from cod livers, whereas fish oil is extracted from the body flesh of fish. While both are good sources of the omega-3s EPA and DHA, they provide different ratios-cod liver oil generally contains about 9% EPA and 14% DHA, whereas fish oil generally contains about 18% EPA and 12% DHA. Another difference is that cod liver oil also generally contains some vitamins A and D.

Questions about Nordic Naturals manufacturing process

Since our founding, Nordic Naturals has always been committed to sourcing only fish species that are flourishing and only from waters that are not threatened by overfishing. Nordic Naturals cod liver oil products are made from 100% wild Arctic cod (Skrei) that are sustainably sourced from the Norwegian Sea.

All other Nordic Naturals products are made from wild, sustainably sourced sardines and anchovies from the South Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. For more detailed information about our fishing practices and the regulations of the Norwegian Government fisheries management system, please visit our Why Omega-3s page.

A primary goal for Nordic Naturals is to optimize freshness levels in our fish oils. We strive to minimize the time from catch to processing, and ideally the fish is processed within hours of being caught. During processing, we consistently monitor freshness levels of the raw material using acidity levels (an accurate measure of freshness). Even though standard acidity allowance is 3.0, Nordic Naturals does not allow more than 1.0. While complete processing may take days, our raw material is protected in a nitrogen environment at every stage of manufacturing to maintain optimal freshness in the final product.
Molecular distillation removes impurities (heavy metals, dioxins, etc.), saturated fats, and other undesirable organic compounds. Molecular distillation is gentle with exceptionally low heat residence time and is performed in a vacuum to further reduce heat requirement. All time and temperature specifications are proprietary, but we can assure you that no trans fats are created during any of our distillation processes. Any potential impurities and saturated fats are distilled out of the oil, leaving only the key beneficial components of the fish oil. Flash distillation accomplishes the same thing as molecular distillation, but utilises steam rather than a vacuum. The process used depends on the intended concentration of the fish oil. Molecular distillation is used for all of our fish oil products. Flash distillation is used for our non-concentrated fish oils. Independent lab results consistently show that these processing techniques deliver oils of exceptional quality and freshness. Certificates of Analysis are available here; simply enter your lot number to view the certificate for your specific bottle.

Molecular distillation (used for all of our fish oil products) removes environmental toxins like mercury and other heavy metals, dioxins, etc., saturated fats, and other undesirable organic compounds, leaving behind only the key beneficial components of the fish oil. It is a gentle distillation process with exceptionally low heat residence time, and is performed in a vacuum to further reduce the heat requirement. Flash distillation (used for our non-concentrated fish oils) accomplishes the same thing as molecular distillation, but utilises steam rather than a vacuum.

All fish oil‚ regardless of the kind of manufacturing process used‚ needs to be processed in order to remove contaminants and pass minimum laws and standards (such as California’s Proposition 65). This process always requires the use of heat. However, heat itself does not cause oxidative damage to the fish oil‚ it can only affect the rate of oxidation. Without the presence of free radicals or oxygen, there is no oxidation to speed up. This is also why nitrogen-flushed fish oils can handle being shipped, delivered, and stored in even the hottest climates and still taste great.

Third-party testing for TOTOX values will reliably show the total oxidation to which the oil has been exposed, and will thereby reliably assess the quality of any processing technique. (For more information on TOTOX values, see below.) Perhaps even more important is the absence of a fishy taste. It has been verified that the most significant and sensitive pieces of equipment that measure oxidation in oils are still not nearly as sensitive as the human palate [From the AOCS meeting 2007]. The aldehyde byproducts of oxidative damage to fish oils have a high vapour pressure (thus the fish burp) and the distinctly disagreeable taste and smell of rancid fish.

Molecular distillation removes impurities (heavy metals, dioxins, etc), saturated fats, and other undesirable organic compounds, leaving behind only the key beneficial components of the fish oil. It is a gentle distillation process with exceptionally low heat residence time, and is performed in a vacuum to further reduce the heat requirement. Flash distillation accomplishes the same thing as molecular distillation, but utilises steam rather than a vacuum.

CO2 extraction or fractionation starts with oil that has previously undergone either molecular distillation or flash distillation to remove impurities. It uses a combination of pressure and heat to concentrate the amount of omega-3s (EPA and/or DHA) in the oil, extracting the ethyl esters from the fish oil in order to increase their concentration.

Nordic Naturals does not use CO2 extraction because it has not been shown to provide a superior quality product. Independent lab results consistently show that our processing techniques deliver oils of exceptional quality and freshness. Certificates of Analysis are available here; simply enter your lot number to view the certificate for your specific bottle.

Please see questions above for information about molecular distillation. All fish oil‚ regardless of the kind of manufacturing process used, needs to be processed in order to remove contaminants and pass minimum laws and standards (such as California’s Proposition 65). This process always requires the use of heat. This includes so-called “cold-pressed” fish oils. Cold-pressed oil also must also use heat during processing to turn the raw material into oil and remove impurities to pass minimum laws and standards.

Nordic Naturals does not use “cold-pressed” processing because it has not been shown to provide a superior quality product. Independent lab results consistently show that our processing techniques deliver oils of exceptional quality and freshness. Certificates of Analysis are available here; simply enter your lot number to view the certificate for your specific bottle.

Nordic Naturals cod liver oil is made from 100% wild Arctic cod. No fish body oils or synthetic vitamins or additives are ever used. No other brand can honestly make the same claim. Over the past decade, we have perfected our three-step Gold Standard system that allows Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil to surpass even the strict European Pharmacopoeia Standard for purity and freshness:

  • First, we have built a direct relationship with smaller, independent fishermen, rather than larger trawling vessels, to ensure sustainable harvesting and less time spent at sea.
  • Second, we are able to minimise oxidation to the greatest degree possible by using nitrogen at every stage of manufacturing to protect the oil from oxygen and decomposition.
  • Last, since our MSC-certified processing facility in Norway is located right next to the harbour, we are able to keep transportation time at a bare minimum. A few short hours after being caught, the sustainably sourced Arctic cod are delivered whole for immediate processing.

This Gold Standard system enables us to deliver unmatched freshness levels. Third-party testing reveals our Arctic Cod Liver Oil to have anisidine values (AV) between 1 and 2—that’s five to ten times below the industry average. AV is a measure of oxidation of the oil, so the lower the number, the fresher the fish oil. Certificates of Analysis are available here; simply enter your lot number to view the certificate for your specific bottle.

Anisidine value (AV) is a measurement of past oxidation of the oil. More specifically, it is the measure of aldehyde production during oxidation of fats. AV essentially reflects how an oil has been handled and stored, versus peroxide value (PV), which measures current oxidation. For both AV and PV, a lower number is better. TOTOX (total oxidation value) is used to describe total oxidation to which the oil has been exposed. TOTOX = 2 x PV + AV.

The fish oils used in Nordic Naturals’ products typically range between TOTOX values of 5 and 14. Recent tests of Nordic Naturals raw fish oils report TOTOX values of 7.0. Certificates of Analysis are available upon request.

The established upper limits, as set by the current Voluntary Standards for Omega-3s* in the United States, are as follows:

Peroxide value: Maximum is 5 mEq/kg
Anisidine value: Maximum is 20 mEq/kg
TOTOX: Maximum is 26 mEq/kg

*Council for Responsible Nutrition 2006 Voluntary Monograph

100% of Nordic Naturals fish oil is manufactured in Norway. Nordic Pharma, Nordic Naturals’ new omega-3 manufacturing plant in Arctic Norway, is one of the most advanced processing plants in the omega-3 industry. Wholly owned and operated by Nordic Naturals, Nordic Pharma is a custom-designed, state-of-the-art plant built to pharmaceutical grade standards. All of our liquid and soft gel products are bottled and encapsulated at our plant in Southern California.
The colour of any fish oil results from the species of fish that is used to produce it. Fish species that have coloured flesh will produce fish oil of similar colour. The colour of the oil is no indication of quality. Only third-party testing for purity and freshness will reliably show the quality of a fish oil product.
In many Nordic Naturals formulas, we use natural fruit flavourings to enhance the palatability of our oils. This process involves adding these flavourings to both the oil and to the soft gel itself. These flavourings are derived from natural fruit essences, and differ slightly depending on the fruit used. The natural lemon flavour, for example, takes on a cloudy appearance when combined with fish oil, whereas the strawberry flavour does not.
In all Nordic Naturals formulas, we use natural antioxidants (vitamin E for example) to help preserve the freshness of the oil. In many formulas, we also use natural fruit flavours to augment the palatability of our oils. Because these natural components are present in the soft gels, occasionally they can collect and concentrate at a specific point in the soft gel—which can create a discoloured spot. This spot may dissipate when shaken, or may stay in a fixed place in the event that the spot adheres to the wall of the soft gel.
Enteric coating uses various compounds to coat the outside of soft gels in order to prevent them from being dissolved by stomach acids, so that the soft gel passes through the stomach to the small intestine where it will then dissolve. We believe the main reason why fish oil soft gels are enteric coated is to prevent repeat or burping. It is possible that enteric coating may be used to hide the fishy repeat associated with low quality/rancid oils with high TOTOX numbers. Fresh fish oil with low TOTOX values does not need to be masked. It is also important to note that consumers with sub-optimal digestion may not digest and absorb fish oil from an enteric-coated capsule.

The gelatin in Nordic Naturals products protects the fish oil from oxidative damage, yielding a fresh product over a long shelf life, as well as increasing compliance (and thus results). We source our gelatin from non-BSE approved countries only. For all soft gel products (except for our Omega-3 in Fish Gelatin Soft Gels), our soft gels are made from FDA-approved bovine gelatin/glycerin USP (kosher) and purified water USP. In some products, the gelatin soft gels contain caramel colour. In our fruit-flavoured products, the gelatin soft gels contain natural fruit flavouring.

The products themselves are not certified as Kosher or Halal, however, all the fish oil products are from fish with fins and scales, we do not use shellfish.

None of the soft gel products or liquid oils contain pork or pork derivatives.

Nordic Naturals offers all our Arctic Cod Liver Oils in their natural concentrations, simply purified. Nordic Naturals fish body oils that are also sold as non-concentrates are: Omega-3. All other Nordic Naturals fish oil products offer various concentrations of EPA and/or DHA.

There is growing concern in the medical and scientific community about the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency. In 2008, the American Academy of Paediatrics doubled its vitamin D recommendations for infants, children, and adolescents to 400 I.U.s a day in response to the mounting consensus that vitamin D deficiency is an under-recognised epidemic.

In response, Nordic Naturals offers vitamin D3 products (which do not contain fish oil) for children and adults who do not receive adequate sun exposure, in a dose that experts recommend—1000 I.U.s per serving. And we’ve also introduced several fish oil + vitamin D3 formulas that deliver 1000 I.U.s of vitamin D3 per serving, in addition to the omega-3s EPA and DHA.

We use the D3 (or cholecalciferol) form of vitamin D in our products because it is the natural and most easily absorbed form, which the body makes from sunlight. Long known for its role in enhancing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus for strong bones, vitamin D is also linked to a variety of other functions in optimising health, including the regulation of the immune and neuromuscular systems, and the modulation of mood and sleep rhythms.

No. Phthalates are plasticizers sometimes used in the manufacturing of plastic piping and industrial equipment. They have been in the news recently for their illegal use in some parts of Southeast Asia. Nordic Naturals is committed to the safety and efficacy of our products.

Nordic Naturals products and plastic containers do not use phthalates in any stage of our process. The US EPA and the World Health Organization have strict guidelines regarding phthalates and Nordic Naturals has always adhered to these standards.

Questions about Allergens, Flavours, and Safety Profile

Generally, none, although we suggest that you consult with your physician before taking our fish oils if you are allergic to iodine, use blood thinner mediations, or anticipate surgery. Consumers typically report having more energy and greater mental clarity while taking EFAs. If you experience repeat (burping) or a bad taste, your supplement may be rancid (oxidized), or your body may not be manufacturing enough lipase, the digestive enzyme our bodies make to digest fats and oils. If you haven’t ingested fish oils for a long time, it might take a week or so for your body to adjust and make more of this enzyme to digest fats and oils. Taking fish oil with food, especially fat, can also be helpful to digestion.
Generally, no, but we suggest that you consult with your healthcare professional before taking fish oil if you are allergic to iodine, using blood thinners, taking high doses of aspirin, or anticipating surgery.
Raw fish oils contain environmental toxins like mercury that accumulate in fish during their life spans, but these toxins can be virtually eliminated with the use of high-quality raw materials and advanced distillation technologies. Nordic Naturals fish oils are molecularly distilled, utilising an enzymatic process that removes potential environmental toxins (such as heavy metals, dioxins, PCBs, etc.). Independent laboratory testing confirms the removal of PCBs, heavy metals, and dioxins from our oils. Certificates of Analysis are available here; simply enter your lot number to view the certificate for your specific bottle.

There has been some concern recently that cod liver oil has high levels of vitamin A. This concern stems from the fact that almost all cod liver oil products on the market are supplemented with added vitamin A (natural or synthetic). This is because many cod liver oil products are not made from cod livers! Many brands use fish body oil (from species such as pollock or haddock) as a less expensive source of oil, and then add vitamin A and D to mimic cod liver oil. This practice is allowed because the international production of cod liver oil is regulated by only one rule-the final product must match the specific EPA ratio (EPA to DHA) found in cod liver oil.

These practices are not applicable, however, to the Nordic Naturals brand, and never have been.  Nordic Naturals has always used 100% Arctic cod livers in all CLO formulas, which have consequently always had low, healthy levels of naturally occurring, fat-soluble vitamin A.  No fish body oils or any synthetic additives of any kind have been added.

Nordic Naturals CLO typically averages 650-1500 IU of vitamin A per serving, which falls in the low range compared to other manufacturers’ products that can contain more than 4500 IU per serving. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin A for adults (as established by the US Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science) is 3,000 IU for men and 2,300 IU for women.

Yes, EFAs and fish oil can be taken with a wide variety of supplements-they are extremely well tolerated, natural, health promoting, and safe to use every day.

Nordic Naturals recognises the severity that allergens present for individuals. Our facilities are NSF GMP certified and adhere to strict procedures in order to prevent cross-contamination. We use FDA-compliant allergen labelling and disclose any warnings relating to allergen exposure beneath the supplement facts in the ingredients listing on the product label.

Nordic Naturals always recommends that consumers check each individual product for any allergen concerns and also discuss them with their health care professional to determine which products are appropriate for their nutritional needs.

Most of our products contain Vitamin E derived from highly refined soybean oil, so we include the following responsible statement on the majority of our products: “Contains Vitamin E derived from refined soybean oil.” As many soy allergy sufferers know, soy allergies result from exposure to soy proteins. Nordic Naturals ensures that our Vitamin E, verified by both a traditional analytical method and by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), contains either no soy proteins or undetectable levels of protein. Because of this, we feel confident that individuals allergic to soy can safely take our products.

Nearly all of the iodine naturally present in fish is removed during our purification process. Test results show levels of iodine in Ultimate Omega to be typically 0.5–1.5 mcg/g, and not more than 2.0 mcg/g. For reference, the current Recommended Dietary Allowance* for iodine is 150 mcg/g for adult men and women, 220 mcg/d during pregnancy, and 90 mcg/d for children over 1 year of age.

*Dietary Reference Intakes, USDA Food and Nutrition Information, pages 273–277

Nordic Naturals realises that many individuals are extremely sensitive to even trace amounts of certain ingredients, and that these may exceed FDA-compliant allergen labeling. If this is the case, and your allergen is not addressed specifically in the ingredients listed below the supplement facts panel, contact our customer service team and we can discuss the specific product of interest and try to address your ingredient concerns individually.

Common Allergen Ingredient Information

Although fish proteins should be effectively removed during processing, it is certainly possible for fish oils to have small traces of protein. The fish gelatin that is used in our fish gelatin soft gel products is derived from fish protein, and could be allergenic. This is referenced in the product ingredients. We recommend consulting with your healthcare professional before using a fish oil product if you are allergic to fish.

Soy and Soy Tocopherols
Soy proteins should be effectively removed in processing tocopherols derived from soybean. However, it is certainly possible for soy raw materials to have small traces of protein, below detectable testing limits. We recommend consulting with your healthcare professional before using a product derived from soy if you have concerns. Please contact our customer service department to inquire if a specific product you are interested in has a soy based ingredient. Please note that all of our fish oil products use tocopherols derived from sunflower oil.

Anyone who is concerned about rosemary extract, which is used as a natural oil stabiliser and is present in minute amounts, can take our Prenatal fish oil products, as these products offer the same high-quality fish oil, but only use vitamin E as a stabiliser.

The raw material used to produce vitamin D3 is separated from the lanolin, which has been separated from the wool fat. There are several purification steps between the raw material and the pure vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Because of this, a person who is allergic to lanolin topically is not likely to be allergic when ingesting vitamin D3. We have a Vegan D3 liquid derived from lichen as a suggested alternative, but we always recommended that people with allergies confer with their healthcare professional before beginning a supplement regimen.

Most of our products are gluten-free. If any products are manufactured with ingredients containing gluten this is disclosed on the product label.


Our natural strawberry flavouring is NOT derived from strawberry or any other berry fruit, but rather from a combination of natural ingredients, which create an aroma perceived as strawberry flavour.

Our natural lemon flavouring is derived from lemon in combination with other natural ingredients, which create an aroma perceived as lemon flavour. Some people do have sensitivities to lemon flavouring. If lemon sensitivity is a concern this flavour should be avoided.

The best choice for highly sensitive people would be to take our unflavored products.

Other Ingredient Concerns

We are very aware of the concerns around the use of ingredients from non-GMO sources. We verify and test that all our products are free of GMO’s and indicate this with a non-GMO verified badge on the front of each bottle.

Gelatin Source
If you see gelatin referenced on our label and the source is not listed, it is sourced from bovine. In the event that another source of gelatin is used then it is included in the ingredients listing on that specific product.

The carrageenan we use in our vegetarian gelatin is highly purified, non-degraded, and pharmaceutical food-grade quality. Carrageenan is derived from seaweed and is the substitute for the collagen found in animal gelatin. It is needed—in tandem with cornstarch—to form a shelf-stable soft gel that ensures we are protecting the oil from exposure to oxygen and, therefore, from going rancid. Over the years, various alternatives have been researched and tested. The combination of carrageenan and cornstarch has been found to build the best consumer experience. While there have been various studies on carrageenan, many examine the degraded form (versus our non-degraded form), which does not meet our rigorous standards.

The raw material (lipid) used to produce Vitamin D3 is separated from the lanolin, which has been separated from the wool fat. There are several purification steps from raw material to the pure vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), and, because of this, the supplier believes that a person who is allergic to lanolin topically is not likely to be allergic when ingesting Vitamin D3.

Also, we need to keep in mind that healthy digestive processes-gut pH, digestive enzyme action-are intended to digest, package, and transport nutrients, adding a degree of protection as well. But we always recommended that people with allergies confer with their healthcare practitioner before beginning a supplement regime.

All Nordic Naturals products (as of July ’09) can be considered gluten-free. If any products are manufactured on shared equipment with other ingredients containing gluten, this is disclosed on the product label.

Questions about information on Nordic Naturals labels

“Pharmaceutical grade fish oil” is defined as purified, winterized, and deodorized fatty oil obtained from fish. Therefore, this term is used to describe the quality of fish oil, encompassing purity (minimal detected contaminants/toxins such as heavy metals, PCBs, and dioxins), freshness (free of oxidative rancidity), and potency (amount of omega-3s contained). Because there are no pharmaceutical grade standards for fish oil in the United States, Nordic Naturals evaluates the fish oil used in its products by the stringent European Pharmacopoeia Standard.

The fish oil used in all Nordic Naturals products is third-party tested to verify that it surpasses these strict standards for purity and freshness, and that it reaches the level of potency claimed on the label. Our certificates of analysis are available upon request. To further ensure the quality of Nordic Naturals fish oil, we produce our fish oil in the triglyceride form, unlike many ethyl ester fish oils on the market today. True triglyceride form ensures that your body recognises and absorbs the omega-3 essential fatty acids it needs for optimal health, and that your results are consistent. For more information about the triglyceride form, see question below.

All fat/oil contains 9 calories per gram. Nordic Naturals offers fish oil supplements with differing concentrations of the omega-3s EPA and DHA, but the concentration does not affect the amount of fat/oil in each soft gel. Regardless of the omega-3 concentration, a 1000mg soft gel contains 1000mg of oil, and thus contains 9 calories.
The “other omega-3s” listed on Nordic Naturals labels refer to omega-3 fatty acids (other than EPA and DHA) that naturally exist in fish oil in low levels. These “other omega-3s” include fatty acids such as DPA (docospentaenoic acid) and ETA (eicosatetraenoic acid). These fats are involved in essential fatty acid metabolic pathways in the body. EPA and DHA are the best-studied omega-3 fats, and are considered the most functional omega-3s. You find this information is on the label because Nordic Naturals tests each product to know exactly what is in the oil, and is committed to disclosing complete information to our customers.
The difference pertains to the type of distillation process used for the product, which depends upon the type/concentration of the product. The labels that state “distilled for purity” contain our non-concentrated fish oil, which is flash distilled. Our Arctic Cod Liver Oils and concentrated fish oils are molecularly distilled, and thus state “molecularly distilled” on the label. The differences between the two distillation processes are explained in more detail in questions below.

“Natural Triglyceride Form” refers to the molecular form of the fatty acids found in all Nordic Naturals products. In nature, fats are found in triglyceride form.

Being a natural form, these triglycerides (as opposed to the synthetic ethyl ester form produced by many other manufacturers) are easily assimilated through the digestive process, supporting increased absorption and optimal utilization of the health-promoting omega-3s EPA and DHA.

To address the concern of “raising one’s triglycerides” we are actually talking about another type of triglyceride. These triglycerides are not from dietary fats, but are produced in the liver in response to high amounts of insulin secreted into the blood stream. High insulin levels in the blood are the result of excessive carbohydrates that have not been used for energy.

The 1000 mg soft gel (or in some products 500mg) refers only to the size of the soft gel and not to the amount of omega-3s that the soft gels contain. Depending on the concentration of the fish oil in the soft gels, the soft gel can contain anywhere from 28% to 84% omega-3s.

For example, one 1000 mg soft gel of a non-concentrated fish oil product like Nordic Naturals Omega-3 provides approximately 345 mg omega-3s. One 1000 mg soft gel of a concentrated fish oil product like Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega provides approximately 640 mg total omega-3s.

S QLD / N NSW Area Manager

Jessica Morland

Jess is a qualified Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine. She believes that there is no one size fits all approach and is passionate about educating, inspiring and supporting clients and practitioners with a customised approach to healthcare. Specialties include preconception, pregnancy, post-natal and infant care. 

Jess is excited to build relationships, educate and share her knowledge with both retail and practitioners in South Queensland and Northern NSW.

Lauren Matich, BHSc (Nat.)

Lauren Matich

BHSc (Nat.)

Lauren is an NHAA accredited Clinical Naturopath with a Bachelor of Health Science. She is incredibly passionate about natural health and educating clients on the foundational importance of nutrition, lifestyle and stress management and believes complimenting these building blocks with nutraceutical support and functional testing often holds the key to optimal health and vitality. Lauren looks forward to supporting practitioners and clients in these key areas.

Specialties include supporting thyroid health, digestive disorders and mental health.