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Case Study: Constant Back Pain

A 48 year old man presented with persistent lower back pain. He had recently modified his sitting arrangements in his car and at work, however was still having to take OTC NSAIDS 3-5x per week. He considered the pain a major obstacle in his daily tasks and sleep.

The patient was prescribed 1000 mg of DL-Phenylalanine 1-2x daily as required.


After two weeks the patient had experienced a noticeable reduction in pain, which allowed him to reduce his NSAID use to once or twice a week. The patient was also planning to engage a physiotherapist and commence physical therapy to address the functional causes for the pain.

Mechanism of Action

A potential mechanism in the pain relieving effect of DL-Phenylalanine is through its impact on Enkephalins. Enkephalins are endogenous analgesics that result in decreased sensation of pain upon binding to the opioid receptors. DL-Phenylalanine is hypothesised to block degradation, resulting in increased levels of Enkephalins, without the risks of addiction associated with pharmaceutical opioids.


S QLD / N NSW Area Manager

Jessica Morland

Jess is a qualified Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine. She believes that there is no one size fits all approach and is passionate about educating, inspiring and supporting clients and practitioners with a customised approach to healthcare. Specialties include preconception, pregnancy, post-natal and infant care. 

Jess is excited to build relationships, educate and share her knowledge with both retail and practitioners in South Queensland and Northern NSW.

Lauren Matich, BHSc (Nat.)

Lauren Matich

BHSc (Nat.)

Lauren is an NHAA accredited Clinical Naturopath with a Bachelor of Health Science. She is incredibly passionate about natural health and educating clients on the foundational importance of nutrition, lifestyle and stress management and believes complimenting these building blocks with nutraceutical support and functional testing often holds the key to optimal health and vitality. Lauren looks forward to supporting practitioners and clients in these key areas.

Specialties include supporting thyroid health, digestive disorders and mental health.