A 32-year-old male presented with mild ASD (Austism Spectrum Disorder) manifesting as anxiety, lack of concentration, and an inability to attend mainstream school. As a result, he was homeschooled for many years, although he is now attending TAFE while undertaking an Auto Mechanic apprenticeship.
Despite his passion for his chosen field, he was still experiencing significant anxiety and an inability to focus. He also presented with sleep onset-insomnia (can’t wind down), preferred takeaway foods to home cooked ‘healthy’ meals, and poor water intake. |
His practitioner managed to address dietary and behavioural areas with more awareness, mindfulness, and supplements, but ‘huge changes’ occurred with RN Labs CDP-Choline. He reported improved concentration and focus and his comments were: “Wow, now I know what it feels like to be normal!” Supplements included RN Labs BioActive B-Complex with additional RN Labs Sublingual B12 (DNA test revealed significant SNPs involving these vitamins); fish oil and Vitamin D. Ongoing reluctance and poor compliance resulted in the return of anxiety. RN Labs GI Defence + RN Labs Lipotropex and RN Labs CDP-Choline was then introduced, which “kicked in” within about 10 days. He continues to take all the above sporadically, except the CDP-Choline which he has recognised plays a major role in reducing anxiety and maintaining concentration/focus and learning capacity. He has also improved hydration and diet significantly, in line with reduced stress. |
Gradual improvements were seen over several months, significant after 10 days of taking RN Labs CDP-Choline. He now has an absence of anxiety; improved concentration, focus and learning capacity; improved performance in both written and practical exams; and with reduced stress, his diet has improved significantly and he is willing to try new foods (especially vegetables). His mother (a GP) is very pleased with the changes in her son after struggling for many years.
CDP-Choline for the Brain Continued administration has been shown to increase brain concentrations of the three major brain cell membrane phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine). Phospholipids play an essential role in synthesising neurotransmitters and regulating cell membranes’ proper function, which contributes to improved mental energy, increased acuity, and promotes healthy brain function. CDP-Choline can provide a sparing effect on systemic choline reserves, and inhibit the breakdown of these key membrane phospholipids. CDP-Choline acts on multiple neurotransmitter levels, and in particular, may increase the activity of Dopamine and Noradrenaline, within its neurotransmission supportive activities. Higher choline intake has been related to higher cognitive function. This includes reducing the cognitive deficit associated with ageing. Increases in glutathione synthesis may also be involved within these neuro-supportive activities. |