We appreciate your patience while we work to process all orders and testing after Cyclone Alfred. Testing samples can now be received. Thank you for your support and understanding during this time.

Is Stress Affecting Your Microbiome?

Chronic Stress Will Down Regulate Faecal Siga, Which Increases the Risk of GI Infection

Stress increases cortisol which may have a profound impact on the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota and metabolome, selectively decreasing beneficial bacteria and secretory IgA (sIgA). Thus, it is not surprising that clinical interventions implemented to resolve GI symptoms may not be completely successful if stress is not considered as a potential root cause.

Chronic stress directly effects our gastrointestinal health via hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation. Stress can adversely affect GI bacteria and secretory IgA (sIgA), which may influence intestinal permeability, and selectively decrease beneficial bacterial species.

Chronic Stress Will Down Regulate Faecal Siga, Which Increases the Risk of Gi Infection

Animal models have provided insight into stress and its effects on the GI microbiome. Stress caused by maternal separation of rhesus monkeys changed their microbiome via decreased Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Rat pups separated from their mother exhibited decreased Lactobacillus levels which was maintained for an extended period of time. As such, acute and chronic stress may lead to the development of intestinal dysbiosis and chronic low grade inflammation. Gastrointestinal dysbiosis and chronic low-grade inflammation have been implicated in IBS and depression.

Chronic stress weakens the intestinal mucosal barrier and permits paracellular bacterial translocation from the lumen. This stimulates the activation of the inflammatory meditators, resulting in activation of the HPA axis.

Our modern lifestyles often lead to the development of chronic stress and further systemic symptons in the form of increased hpa axis activation, increased faecal siga, disturbances in the gi microbial composition and increased intestinal permeability.

Clinicians can evaluate levels of faecal sIgA, the GI microbiota, and intestinal permeability to gain insight into potentially confounding roles of stress on GI and systemic symptoms. Testing HPA axis function and neurotransmitter secretion can be an important tool in helping to address the imbalances that can result from long term chronic stress. Stress management should be considered as part of a comprehensive clinical intervention.

The interplay between stress, the HPA axis and the gastrointestinal system is complex and intricate, while the impacts on human physiology are vast.

– By Julia Malkowski, ND, DC

Recommended Tests:

  • GI360 Advanced Assessment of gut bacteria and overall digestive function
  • CSAAssessment for the status of gut bacteria and overall digestive function, as well as the presence of pathogenic microbe
  • SIBO – Comprehensive detection for a wide range of intestinal microbes to identify the presence of small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) as well as malabsorption to high fructose foods.

S QLD / N NSW Area Manager

Jessica Morland

Jess is a qualified Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine. She believes that there is no one size fits all approach and is passionate about educating, inspiring and supporting clients and practitioners with a customised approach to healthcare. Specialties include preconception, pregnancy, post-natal and infant care. 

Jess is excited to build relationships, educate and share her knowledge with both retail and practitioners in South Queensland and Northern NSW.

Lauren Matich, BHSc (Nat.)

Lauren Matich

BHSc (Nat.)

Lauren is an NHAA accredited Clinical Naturopath with a Bachelor of Health Science. She is incredibly passionate about natural health and educating clients on the foundational importance of nutrition, lifestyle and stress management and believes complimenting these building blocks with nutraceutical support and functional testing often holds the key to optimal health and vitality. Lauren looks forward to supporting practitioners and clients in these key areas.

Specialties include supporting thyroid health, digestive disorders and mental health.


Brisbane and surrounding suburbs are experiencing delays due to Ex-Cyclone Alfred. Testing samples can now be received, and we are now working through all orders and testing. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.